Featured on National Geographic Channel

Two of my images where used in the series “Made in NL” which is airing on National Geographic Channel in The  Netherlands and Belgium (started September 2012). The images where used in the episode “Water Management”. They depict the flooding that occurred in the Grogol area of Jakarta in 2007.

February 2007: Jakarta is struck by severe flooding. Budgets for building canals to clear excess water from the city where cut, leaving the city with no defense against the regularly returning floods during the rainy season. The result is devastating and sad to see. 70% of Jakarta is flooded; water raised up to 4 meters in some parts of the city. This pictures is depicting less flooded areas at Tanjung Duren, Slipi. (Rudi Theunis)

February 2007: Jakarta is struck by severe flooding. Budgets for building canals to clear excess water from the city where cut, leaving the city with no defense against the regularly returning floods during the rainy season. The result is devastating and sad to see. 70% of Jakarta is flooded; water raised up to 4 meters in some parts of the city. This pictures is depicting less flooded areas at Tanjung Duren, Slipi. (Rudi Theunis)

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